]> 1.2 This placeholder node is the root node for the Gateway Config MO. urn:oma:mo:oma-gwmo-config:1.1 DevTypeInfo This interior node contains all of the information pertaining to the handling of different types of End Devices by the DM Gateway. This placeholder node contains information about the handling of one particular type of End Device by the DM Gateway. DevType The value of this leaf node specifies the device type. text/plain BStrapInfo This interior node contains all bootstrapping records that are needed for client-initiated bootstrap for the device type. This placeholder node contains one bootstrapping record that has all of the information for client-initiated bootstrap for the device type. BStrapURL The value of this leaf node indicates the URL of the Bootstrap Server for the device type. text/plain ReptServerIds This interior node contains information about all DM Servers to which the DM Gateway MUST report alerts pertaining to End Devices of the specified device type. The name of this leaf node is the identifier of one DM Server to which the DM Gateway MUST report alerts pertaining to End Devices of the specified device type. text/plain Config This interior node contains the configuration parameters for the DM Gateway. Alert This interior node is the root node for all of the configuration parameters dealing with the reporting of Generic Alerts pertaining to End Devices. This placeholder node groups the configuration parameters for the reporting of Generic Alerts based on some criteria (for example, alert type, device type, or device group). DeviceType The value of this leaf node specifies the device type. text/plain GroupID The value of this leaf node specifies the GroupID, which is specified in the DevGroup sub-tree of this MO. text/plain AlertType The value of this leaf node specifies the Generic Alert type. text/plain DeviceAppAuth This node specifies authentication information for hosting End Devices that require DM Server assisted bootstrapping [section]. This placeholder node stores the authentication information for a particular End Device. DeviceID This node specifies the Device ID associated with the AppAuth setting. text/plain AppAuth This node specifies authentication information for the End Device whose identifier is the value of the sibling DeviceID node. This interior node acts as a placeholder for one or more authentication settings. AAuthLevel This node specifies the authentication level. text/plain AAuthType This node specifies the authentication type. text/plain AAuthName This node specifies the authentication name. text/plain AAuthSecret This node specifies the authentication secret. text/plain AAuthData This node specifies the authentication data. text/plain DevGroup This interior node contains information pertaining to all device groups that have been set up on the DM Gateway for the group management of devices that are subtending from the DM Gateway. The DM Server uses the group identifier to fanout commands to multiple End Devices, via a DM Gateway operating in the Proxy Mode. This placeholder node contains information pertaining to one device group. GroupType The value of this leaf node indicates the criteria for membership of this group. text/plain Members This interior node contains all of the members of the device group. Condition This interior node is the parent node for all of the information pertaining to a condition-based group. DevTypeCriteria The value of this leaf node is the device type associated with the device group set by the DM Server. text/plain OtherCriteria The value of this leaf node is the condition expression that the DM Server wants the End Device to fulfill. text/plain PopulateGroup This node is used with the Exec command by the DM Server to populate the group when the value of its sibling GroupType node is ?' or ?'. text/plain Privileges This node contains information about the Target IDs( Device Id or Group ID ) with respective list of URIs along with corresponding list of Privilege Limitation rights(Privilege ACL). This placeholder node contains information about the handling of one particular type of Target ID ( device or group of devices) by the DM Gateway. TargetID The value of this node specifies the GroupID or Device ID. text/plain TargetType The value of this leaf node indicates the type of the TargetID which is placed in the same sub-tree. text/plain This is place holder for the URI and the corresponding PrivilegeACL of the Target ID. URI The value of this node specifies the URI(resource) of the end device for which the Privilege Access permissions are applicable. text/plain PrivilegeACL This provides the permissions applied to allow Server management operations for the controlled resource of the respective target id in the DM Gateway. In case of at least one Primary DM server account present on the device - to add or change rights for other servers , the gateway, receives a device management command to this node from primary server to add/modify an Privilege ACL for secondary server who doesn't have access right on a certain resource in a device or device group. text/plain Ext This interior node is for vendor-specific extensions to the Gateway Config MO.