White Paper - OMA LwM2M - Ready for 5G
LwM2M & 5G
Tags: 5Gv1.2
OMA SpecWorks
The IoT movement and 5G will grow at one of technology’s fastest rates in coming years. Keeping solutions at the edge manageable, secure and cost effective is critical for growth to happen. LwM2M takes a standard-based approach, aiming at harmonizing the IoT ecosystem and providing a comprehensive and flexible solution. With many success stories in cellular IoT, LwM2M will remain the standard of choice as it grows to cover a broader scope of use cases in 5G.
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An Application-Layer Approach to End-to-End Security for the Internet of Things
Any business relying on the Internet of Things (IoT) for their operations requires that solutions are reliable and trustworthy. Security is a prerequisite and protection of online industrial or enterprise assets cannot be overstated. This paper focuses on the need to secure application data end-to-end between IoT device and enterprise application or IoT service provider. Securing application data applies to messages exchanged between applications of two endpoints, specifically sender authentication, receiver authentication, message integrity and message confidentiality.
LwM2M v1.2 is now available!
The standardization work on the LwM2M v1.2 specification has been completed and the specification bundle is now available for public download.Originally proposed in 2012, LwM2M v1.0 was finally published in early 2017 after comprehensive research with developers across multiple industries and application areas. The original standard was a compelling solution for device lifecycle management with focus on constrained IoT devices. With LwM2M adoption observed across a broader range of device types and the benefit of feedback from real use cases, releases including v1.0.1 and v1.0.2 were published to keep up with ever increasing demand and expansion of LwM2M use. With v1.1 published in 2018, OMA SpecWorks increased the functionality of the protocol by adding support for Cellular IoT, LoRaWAN as well as in enterprise networks with CoAP over TCP/TLS.