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LwM2M Utility Workshops

Title Date | Time Details
uCIFI in OMA: Ask Me Anything 6 Mar 25 | 07:00 PST LA | 15:00 GMT London | 16:00 CET Paris Download Presentation | Video
Revolutionizing Utility with LwM2M Ecosystem 8 Feb 24 | 6:00 PM Melbourne, 8:00 AM CET | Feb 7, 11 PM PDT Download Presentation | Video
Unlocking Utility Benefits with LwM2M 15-Nov-23 | 08:30 a.m. PDT Download Presentation | Video
Calling All Public Utilities Deploying IoT Connectivity 24 May 23 | 08:00 PST Download Presentation | Video

LwM2M Workshops


May 2016 - Edinburgh

See more information on the MeetUp page.

During this Workshop on Friday, May 06, field engineer Hannes Tschofenig, Senior Principal Engineer at ARM, will show you how to use the LwM2M protocol on FRMDM-K64F boards, designed by NXP in collaboration with mbed, to connect to the mbed cloud service (formally known mbed Connector) and to the Leshan server.

See more here: http://developer.mbed.org/platforms/FRDM-K64F/


The Freedom-K64F is an ultra-low-cost development platform for Kinetis K64, K63, and K24 MCUs.


The Flagship FRDM-K64F has been designed by NXP in collaboration with mbed for prototyping all sorts of devices, especially those requiring optimized size and price points. The board is well sized for connected applications, thanks to its power efficient Kinetis K64F MCU featuring an ARM® Cortex®-M4 core running up to 120MHz and embedding 1024KB Flash, 256KB RAM and lots of peripherals (16-bit ADCs, DAC, Timers) and interfaces (Ethernet, USB Device Crystal-less and Serial). The Kinetis K64 MCU family remains fully software, hardware and development tool compatibility with Kinetis MCU and Freedom board families. It is packaged as a development board including extension headers compatible with Arduino R3 shields and includes a built-in USB Debug and Flash Programmer.


9:00-9:15 Check-In
9:15-9:30 Opening Remarks and Brief Overview of LWM2M


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9:30-10:30 Demo of the Arduino Yun by HOP Ubiquitous

We will demo OMA LwM2M protocol using an Arduino-Yun board

We will show step by step how to install the LwM2M Client in an Arduino Yun board and then open a connection to the Leshan Server to manipulate some basic sensors

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10:30-10:45 Demo of the LwM2M Editor Tool and DevKit

We will also demo how to use the LwM2M Editor Tool to create Objects & Resources and how to register them with OMA

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10:45-11:00 Break / Hand out FRDM-K64F Boards
11:00-15:00 NXP FRDM-K64F Platform with ARM mbed demo

A causal lunch will be provided and attendees will be able to eat lunch as they like any time between 11:30 and 13:00

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FRDMK64FUG.pdf datasheet

fxos8700cq_ds_rev6.pdf datasheet


Get more information on this Workshop here

Jan 2016, San Diego

OMA has partnered with the following platform vendors:

  • Arduino
  • Sierra Wireless

Who will hand out free hardware platforms at workshop? This is one day-free event where these companies will guide the attendees step by step on how:

  • to install an OMA LwM2M Client in one of their platforms,
  • open a connection with the OMA LwM2M Server
  • And read and manipulate the sensor values exposed by the OMA LwM2M Client

Who Should Attend:


In the market there are several platforms that can host and support OMA LwM2M protocol. At the workshop you will learn how to install the software in one of these platforms, expose sensor information to a Server running in a sandbox and create your own set of sensors and values.


Eclipse Foundation is developing two LwM2M projects:

  • Wakaama – C language
  • Leshan – Java

You can contribute and enhance these projects or construct your own applications and services around this protocol.

Robotic Enthusiasts

OMA LwM2M protocol can be used in a wide range of situations, where you need to expose sensor values to a cloud server. The protocol will allow you to establish the communication to read, write and execute functions in the Client.


9:00-9:30 Registration
9:30-9:45 Agenda & Introductions Presentation
9:45-10:30 Hands-on LightweightM2M Presentation

Presentation - Hands-on Yun

Presentation - Hands-on MangOH

10:30-12:00 Arduino Yun Presentation
12:00-12:30 Lunch Break
12:30-14:00 Sierra Wireless MangOH Presentation

Presentation - Eclipse Leshan

14:00-14:45 Adhoc testing & questions
14:45-15:00 Wrap-up

Jan 2015, Dusseldorf

This event took place at the Vodafone Innovation Park, Dusseldorf, Germany, from 26th to 29th January 2015. The Event was organized by OMA and supported by Vodafone, Eclipse Foundation and IPSO Alliance.

OMA LwM2M Developer ToolKit

OMA LwM2M Developer ToolKit.

The material presented during the Workshop can be found below:


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LwM2M Seminars

Jan 2016, San Diego

OMA IoT Seminar jointly presented by oneM2M

TITLE: Bridging the Gap between Standards and Developers in the IoT Space

January 21, 2016

The material presented during the Workshop can be found below:
