OMA Meeting Guest Policy

Guest Policy

This document defines the policy for the invitation and participation of guests to OMA meetings. This policy applies to all forms of meetings, i.e. physical or electronic meetings.

Guest invitation process

All guests to OMA meetings must be invited by an OMA member. The guest invitation, which must be submitted by an OMA member to OMA Helpdesk, must outline which meetings the guest is invited to attend, and must be submitted directly by the member and not by the guest. The invitation must include a reminder to the guest not to include confidential information in the presentation or discussion material and must ensure the guest is willing to include the text on its cover page or introductory slide as stated below .

Registration process at a physical meeting

Guests shall register with the OMA staff, prior to entry to the meeting, to receive entry credentials (e.g. badge).

Presentation materials

An overview or summary of each guest's presentation and any other materials planned for distribution during the OMA meeting must be submitted along with the guest invitation.

The final version of the presentation and any other materials shall contain, on its front sheet, the text “The information in this presentation is public”.

For any individual or corporate guests who are neither from an OMA member nor are representing SDOs or specification setting bodies, then presentations and materials from such guest must have a cover page with the following text “This presentation to the Open Mobile Alliance is for information purposes only and does not contain any confidential information nor any information related to patents and pending patent applications, copyrights covering software or firmware, and maskworks on integrated circuit mask sets”.

Participation in the meeting

The chair shall announce guests, if any, at the start of the meeting, identify the organisation represented, and whether the guest is employed by an OMA member or not.

The guest shall be reminded not to include confidential information in the presentation or remarks when presenting to OMA.

If any OMA confidential information is to be presented, the guest shall be requested to be absent from the meeting during the presentation of that OMA confidential information.

For physical meetings, the guest shall return to the OMA Registration desk to hand back the badge and sign out.