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Material from Affiliates - SyncML

The SyncML initiative recently consolidated into the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), contributing their technical work to the OMA technical Working Groups: Public Available Documents.

Archive Downloads

The following Archive Downloads are the archived documents from the SyncML initiative.

Click here to view Use Agreement

SyncML Specification; Version 1.0.1
SyncML Specification version 1.0.1 (Zip)
SyncML V1.0.1 Release Notes (pdf)
SyncML Representation Protocol, version 1.0.1 (pdf)
SyncML Representation Version 1.0.1 - DTD
SyncML over wsp, Version 1.0.1 (pdf)
SyncML Meta Information Version 1.0.1 - DTD
SyncML OBEX Binding (pdf)
SyncML Device Information Version 1.0.1 - DTD
SyncML HTTP Binding, version 1.0.1 (pdf)
SyncML Meta-Information DTD, version 1.0.1 (pdf)
SyncML Device Information DTD (pdf)
SyncML Sync Protocol, version 1.0.1 (pdf)
SyncML Specification, Version 1.0
SyncML Synchronisation Protocol Specification V1.0 (pdf)
SyncML Representation Protocol Specification V1.0 (pdf)
Meta Information DTD Specification V1.0 (pdf)
Device Information DTD Specification V1.0 (pdf)
Meta Information DTD V1.0
Device Information DTD V1.0
SyncML OBEX Binding V1.0 (pdf)
SyncML HTTP Binding V1.0 (pdf)
SyncML wsp Binding V1.0 (pdf)
SyncML DTD V1.0
SyncML Errata to Specification 1.0 (All PDF files)
Errata to SyncML Representation Protocol
Errata to SyncML wsp Binding
Errata to SyncML Meta Information DTD specification
Errata to SyncML Synchronization Protocol
Errata to SyncML OBEX Binding
SyncML Specification; Version 1.0.1 Back to top
SyncML Data Synchronization Specifications, Version 1.1
Please note: The SyncML BoD granted final approval of the SyncML Specifications, V1.1 on April 2, 2002 upon the successful completion of the required 45-day review period.
Please note: The SyncML BoD granted final approval of the SyncML Specifications, V1.1 on April 2, 2002 upon the successful completion of the required 45-day review period.
SyncML Device Information DTD, v1.1 (pdf)
SyncML Device Information DTD, v1.1 (dtd)
Please note: Editorial changes to this .dtd file were posted on April 1, 2002
Change Document for SyncML Device Info (pdf)
SyncML HTTP Binding, v1.1 (pdf)
Change Document for SyncML HTTP Binding (pdf)
SyncML Meta-Information DTD, v1.1 (pdf)
SyncML Meta-Information DTD, v1.1 (dtd)
Change Document for SyncML Meta-Information (pdf)
SyncML OBEX Binding, v1.1 (pdf)
Change Document for SyncML OBEX Binding (pdf)
SyncML Representation Protocol, v1.1 (pdf)
SyncML Representation Protocol DTD, v1.1 (dtd)
SyncML Sync Protocol, v1.1 (pdf)
Change Document for SyncML Sync Protocol, v1.1 (pdf)
SyncML Representation Protocol, Data Synchronization Usage, version 1.1 (pdf)
Change Document for SyncML Representation Protocol (pdf)
SyncML wsp Biding version 1.1 (pdf)
Changes to SyncML Over wsp (pdf)
SyncML Device Management Specifications, Version 1.1
SyncML Device Management Bootstrap (pdf)
SyncML Device Management Conformance Requirements (pdf)
SyncML Notification Initiated Session (pdf)
SyncML Device Management Protocol (pdf)
SyncML Representation Protocol, Device Management Usage, version 1.1 (pdf)
SyncML Device Management Security (pdf)
SyncML Device Management Standardized Objects (pdf)
SyncML Device Management Tree and Description (pdf)
SyncML Device Management DDF (dtd)
Archived versions of SyncML Specifications, Superseded by Version 1.1 Back to top
SyncML Specification; Version 1.0.1
SyncML Specification version 1.0.1 (zip)
SyncML V1.0.1 Release Notes (pdf)
SyncML Representation Protocol, version 1.0.1 (pdf)
SyncML Representation Version 1.0.1 - DTD
SyncML over wsp, Version 1.0.1 (pdf)
SyncML Meta Information Version 1.0.1 - DTD
SyncML OBEX Binding (pdf)
SyncML Device Information Version 1.0.1 - DTD
SyncML HTTP Binding, version 1.0.1 (pdf)
SyncML Meta-Information DTD, version 1.0.1 (pdf)
SyncML Device Information DTD (pdf)
SyncML Sync Protocol, version 1.0.1 (pdf)
SyncML Specification, Version 1.0
SyncML Synchronisation Protocol Specification V1.0 (pdf)
SyncML Representation Protocol Specification V1.0 (pdf)
Meta Information DTD Specification V1.0 (pdf)
Device Information DTD Specification V1.0 (pdf)
Meta Information DTD V1.0
Device Information DTD V1.0
SyncML OBEX Binding V1.0
SyncML HTTP Binding V1.0
SyncML wsp Binding V1.0
SyncML DTD V1.0
SyncML Errata to Specification 1.0 (All PDF files)
Errata to SyncML Representation Protocol
Errata to SyncML wsp Binding
Errata to SyncML Meta Information DTD specification
Errata to SyncML Synchronization Protocol
Errata to SyncML OBEX Binding
SyncML White Papers
SyncML White Paper (pdf)
The Business Case for Device Management - SyncML White Paper (pdf)
SyncML White Paper (html)
Download White Paper (pdf)
SyncML Presentations (All PDF files)

''SyncML DM: A SyncML Protocol for Device Management' - James Jennings, Ph.D., of IBM, and SyncML DM Chair - SyncML World Congress, January 28, 2002:'Keynote Speech: Introducing SyncML and Data Synchronization' - Douglas Heintzman, of IBM and Chairman of the SyncML Initiative, Ltd.'

The SyncML Road Ahead - Device Management and Application Development' - Teemu Toroi, of Nokia Mobile Phones, and Vice Chairman of the SyncML Initiative, Ltd.