Community & Events

Explore the Community & Support page of the Open Mobile Alliance for collaboration, resources, and events to enhance your LwM2M implementations and contribute to OMA standards development.

Community & Support

Welcome to the Community & Support page of the Open Mobile Alliance, where members can access essential resources and opportunities for collaboration and development. This section is designed to help you stay connected, improve your implementations, and contribute to the growth of OMA standards.

Key Offerings Include:

  • Test Events: Participate in Specification Validation Events (aka TestFests), where members can validate their LwM2M implementations through interoperability tests with other industry participants.
  • Webinars and Workshops: Learn from experts and stay updated on the latest developments through regular events focused on Lightweight M2M (LwM2M) technology.
  • Members Meetings: OMA Working Groups are having weekly virtual meetings and occasional face-to-face sessions to discuss the latest standards, share feedback, and network with peers.
  • LwM2M Implementations: Access open-source code and other resources built by the community to facilitate your LwM2M deployments.
  • Product Listing: Showcase your participation and test results on a dedicated page, providing visibility into the compliance and interoperability of your products.

Explore these opportunities to engage with the OMA community and advance your work in mobile and IoT standards!