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The simplest example of usage for the ShFaq is with just a list of questions and answers.


Q: What is the purpose of this component?

To display a list of FAQs.

Q: How do I use it?

Include the qas property with question-answer pairs.

This is how it is written:

  - q: "What is the purpose of this component?"
    a: "To display a list of FAQs."
  - q: "How do I use it?"
    a: "Include the qas property with question-answer pairs."


These are the properties and attributes associated to the ShFaq constructor:

Properties and Attributes

These are the properties and attributes to define and style the ShFaq constructor:

Properties & Attributes
Property Attribute Default Description
ui n/a n/a The ui property is a comprehensive configuration object that allows for the customization of various styling aspects of the FAQ component. Each attribute within the ui property targets a specific part of the component's appearance and layout, providing detailed control over its design.
Defines the styling for the header, including the wrapper and title of the FAQ component.
wrapper config.wrapper Defines the styling for the container of the FAQ items. This includes borders, padding, and layout.
inner config.inner Specifies the styling for individual FAQ items, such as margin and padding.
question config.question Defines the styling for the question part of the FAQ, including cursor and text color.
q config.q Defines the text styling for the question part of the FAQ.
answer config.answer Defines the styling for the answer part of the FAQ, including text color.
a config.a Defines the text styling for the answer part of the FAQ.
divider config.divider Defines the styling for the divider between FAQ items.
icon config.icon Defines the styling of the icon.
qas n/a n/a Represents the list of question-answer pairs to be displayed in the FAQ component.
description n/a n/a Intented to be used as a help to content writter. Doesn`t render on website.

Example Usage

Advanced Settings

An example with customized ui attributes for enhanced display:


Q: What is the purpose of this component?

To display a list of FAQs.

Q: How do I use it?

Include the qas property with question-answer pairs.

This is how it is written:

    wrapper: "font-bold text-xl mb-4"
    title: "text-2xl"
  wrapper: "border p-4"
  inner: "mb-2"
  question: "cursor-pointer text-blue-500"
  answer: "text-gray-700"
  divider: "border-t my-2"
  - q: "What is the purpose of this component?"
    a: "To display a list of FAQs."
  - q: "How do I use it?"
    a: "Include the qas property with question-answer pairs."


These style properties can be modified via ui and are stored in the ShFaq.ts file:

export default {
  header: {
    wrapper: "mt-10",
    title: "title text-2xl font-bold",
  wrapper: "border rounded-xl",
  inner: "mx-3 cursor-pointer",
  question: "grid grid-cols-2 flex-row font-bold",
  q: "w-full hover:scale-105 duration-300 text-black dark:text-golden mx-4",
  answer: "ml-1",
  a: "mx-6 font-light text-black dark:text-golden",
  divider: "border-b",
  icon: "place-self-end self-center text-2xl text-black dark:text-golden i-icons8-chevron-right-round",
  // Default Tailwind CSS values
  default: {

Class Descriptions

These represent the class values utilized in the ShFaq constructor. These values are customizable and can be strengthened or overridden through the ui properties' attributes.


  • Value: mt-10
  • Description: Sets the top margin for the header wrapper, providing spacing above it.


  • Value: text-2xl font-bold
  • Description: Applies a text size of 2xl and bold font weight to the title within the header.


  • Value: border rounded-xl
  • Description: Defines a border around the container and applies extra-large rounding to its corners.


  • Value: mx-3 cursor-pointer
  • Description: Adds horizontal margins and changes the cursor to a pointer when hovering, indicating interactivity.


  • Value: grid grid-cols-2 flex-row font-bold
  • Description: Utilizes a grid layout with two columns and a flex-row direction, applying bold font weight to questions.


  • Value: w-full hover:scale-105 duration-300 hover:text-primary-500 dark:text-white mx-4
  • Description: Ensures full width, applies a scale transform on hover, sets a transition duration, changes text color on hover, and applies white text color in dark mode with horizontal margins.


  • Value: ml-1
  • Description: Adds a small left margin to the answer text.


  • Value: mx-6 dark:text-white
  • Description: Applies horizontal margins and sets text color to white in dark mode for the 'a' element.


  • Value: border-b
  • Description: Applies a bottom border, often used to separate elements.


  • Value: place-self-end self-center text-2xl i-icons8-chevron-right-round
  • Description: Aligns the icon to the end of its container, centers it vertically, sets its text size to 2xl, and applies a specific icon class.


  • Value: {}
  • Description: Placeholder for default Tailwind CSS values, currently empty.

These style properties ensure that the ShFaq component is visually appealing and flexible, allowing for a wide range of customization to meet specific design requirements.